• GM Toolkit – Central Place Theory

    Sometimes something hits your brain like a pile of bricks. I lurk on mastodon far more often than I ought to, but this post actually paid dividends. Now, thanks to ACOUP I was already familiar with the idea of cities needing hinterlands (and those being often omitted in modern media), but I was struggling to…

  • Moss Woods Campaign Review, Part 2

    Once more with feeling! This is the second half of my retrospective on my 15-player Moss Woods campaign (Part 1). I ended the campaign a few months ago after a big event which got all the players together in a voice call, a hiatus, and a few more sessions to end things out. What failed?…

  • Thoughts on Magic Realm

    Magic Realm is a 1979 board game which badly wants to be D&D. Players take the role of adventurers seeking gold and glory in the titular realm. I’ve been digging into it over the past few weeks using Tabletop Simulator and the fan-made Book of Learning tutorial [1]. During that time it established a firm grip on my mind,…

  • Misc Campaign Ideas

    A few undeveloped campaign ideas from previous years, updated with commentary. I like the “In [world] the players are [X] who do [Y]” format for campaign descriptions. I think I stole it from somewhere but I’ve lost the post. Imperial Patrol On the frontier of a vast empire, the players are rangers whose responsibilities are…

  • Moss Woods Campaign Review, Part 1

    What do you call a retrospective for something you’re currently doing? I’m currently running the largest and most successful OSR-style campaign I’ve done so far, with fourteen players across three different parties in the same world, using a system of my own creation (read: cobbled together from other people’s blog posts). I’ve yet to find a way…